It's been a while...

We realized we haven’t posted to our blog space in a quite some time. Maybe that’s a good thing in that life has kept us busy on adventures, living, and debauchery that we haven’t had time to create content as often as we would like. The year started out great, taking UNHLY to the likes of Mexico, Bend Oregon, and Las Vegas in search of good times and high fives.

Then all of our meandering came to an abrupt halt with the spread of Covid-19 and our employers, businesses, and friends having to make very tough decisions in an effort to protect public health and safety. As the war wages on and people are feeling the pressures of having their daily lives upturned and an uncertain future ahead; we are trying as best we can to stay positive, abide by social policies to protect ourselves and others, and sneaking in a little time to repurpose some of our inventory into cloth masks for folks to wear while still trying to live their life and adjusting to the new norm of giving people space.

We hope you are living safely out there and being respectful of people. Stay healthy and here’s a little edit from before the lockdown kicked in. Godspeed you heathenous UNHLYfolk, we love ya!